Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Finishing the Boats

After finishing the skins, we put several coats of a heavy polyurethane finish on to waterproof and strengthen the skins. We used a product developed to coat garage floors, heavy bodied and low in VOC. While we put most of the coats on outdoors, several boys put finishing coats on indoors and with fans on, the solvents did not seem to be much of an issue. 

Pat screws on the ash cutwaters we had steamed and molded to the stems back while we were steaming the ribs. Cut from the same ash stock as the ribs, these protect the seam of the skin at the stems. We joined the cutwaters and ash keels with a miter cut on each end. 

Here Hendricks on the right helps Mathias screw down the keel. Mathias is putting a bead of silicone calking in each screw hole so that water won't come through the skin where the keel is screwed to the keelson. 

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